Do You Have the Next Innovation that Will Change Healthcare?

You might assume that we’ve always had today’s modern medical equipment and furniture. It lasts a long time and doesn’t often change rapidly. However, the small changes and customizations made over time have a large impact on improving the procedures we have today.

Small changes make big differences.

You may not think that reaching out to Blickman with an idea or customization is all that important, but it teaches us about what's important in today's hospitals.

In the early 1900s, the Mayo brothers reached out to Blickman to design the first Mayo stand. They were pioneering new surgical practices and were insistent on sterile conditions in the operating room.

Their procedures had high survival rates for the early 1900s and surgeons from all over the world came to learn from their techniques and solutions.

They needed stainless steel, one-legged stands to both accommodate the tight surgical floor and promote sterile conditions and now, in today’s space-squeezed environments, Mayo stands are ubiquitous among surgical departments all over the world.

Currently, Blickman is working with clinicians to design new solutions to improve patient care throughout all of the medical fields. The Nezzie was designed by a thoracic surgeon to improve patient ambulation after surgery. Our new CRT table was invented by an electrophysiologist to improve his implant procedure. But now, it's your turn!

Become a part of the history of healthcare.

Whether you're just reaching out to Blickman for a customization or you have a whole new invention in mind, your solution might be the next big break in healthcare!


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