6 Benefits to Choosing Stainless Steel for Healthcare Applications

The healthcare industry is dedicated to providing the best patient care. This includes everything from the best medical doctors, staff, and equipment possible. Safety and sanitation are among the top priorities when choosing medical devices and products to operate a medical facility. Just as with almost anything, owners and managers have options when it comes to the type of products they choose to fill their hospital with. Medical equipment is a large investment and it pays to do your research before purchasing.

Importance of Choosing Materials for Health Care Applications

It may not seem like a task which should be high on the importance list, but choosing which materials your medical devices and products are made of should be very high on the list. Medical products and devices either come in close proximity or direct contact with patients. Choosing materials which provide the most sanitary conditions and carry the least likely risk of spreading bacteria and germs are extremely important. You also want equipment that is cost effective and will stand the test of time. Stainless steel is the best option when it comes to choosing a material for health care facilities. 

What Is Medical Grade Steel?

Iron and carbon are the basis for all steels. However, it's the addition of other substances that gives stainless steels different properties. Chromium is the alloy which makes steel rust and corrosion resistant. The term, stainless steel is a little bit misleading. Even though stainless steel is resistant to most stains it is still prone to staining by fingerprint smudges and grease. In order to be considered stainless, steel must contain at least 8 percent chromium.  


304 stainless steel is the most common form of stainless steel used in the making of medical devices and products. This is an extremely versatile form of stainless steel, that is easy to work with and does not react with tissues in the body. Let's take a look at 6 benefits of using stainless products and devices in your medical facility. 

1. Corrosion and Rust Resistant

Everyone is familiar with rust. If you leave something made of metal sitting out in the weather too long, more than likely it will rust at some point. We often do not think of rust as being an issue in the health care industry. However, rust is certainly a factor to take into consideration when it comes to choosing which materials your medical office will be stocked with. Iron in itself is susceptible to rust. Rust forms when iron reacts with oxygen. The rust then flakes off, exposing the steel underneath to oxygen as well. Eventually more and more of the steel will rust and corrode. Eventually, the device or piece of equipment will have to be replaced. Chromium is an alloy which is added to the manufacturing of steel that prevents it from rusting. This is important in the medical industry as rust and corrosion can lead to a greater risk of infection in patients from rust particles that flake or rub off.  

2. Fire and Heat Resistant

Medical offices and hospitals tend to have an array of devices and equipment which could potentially overheat or malfunction and cause a fire. Although they are not expected to do so, it is an inherent risk of any electrical device. The last thing you want is devices and products made of materials which are flammable or have a low resistance to heat and fire. Medical grade stainless steel has a high level of fire and heat resistance. This gives an added layer of protection to both your patients and your staff. In the event of device failure, stainless steel can help prevent a fire or spread of a fire. 

3. Easy to Sanitize

Cleanliness is extremely important in health care facilities. It is a never-ending process. Every machine, instrument, and device must be cleaned and sanitized between patients to prevent the spread of infections and diseases. Many patients who walk through the doors of healthcare facilities already have compromised immune function making them even more susceptible to contracting an unwanted infection. Stainless steel is easy to clean and sanitize. In most cases, you can disinfect or clean up messes with a rag or towel. An added bonus, is this saves your facility both time and money. 

4. Durability

Medical products tend to be a large investment. You do not want to have to replace these products more frequently than is necessary. It can be a huge drain on your financial resources to have to replace products and equipment due to poor quality materials. Stainless steel is known for its durability and resilience. Stainless steel is known to have "natural" passivity because it does not react with its environment.

5. Poor Habitat for Germs

Porous surfaces are the perfect haven for germs, bacteria, viruses, and other nasty organisms to hide, grow, and flourish. Stainless steel is a non-porous surface. This means that all of these nasty organisms are not able to take up residence in the steel, provided that is properly cleaned and sanitized. With that being said, because it is a non-porous surface, it is easier to clean. 

6. Non-Magnetic

Magnetic materials can cause a problem for patients with certain medical implants as well as certain pieces of equipment. It is safer to choose medical devices and products which are made out of materials that are non-magnetic. Medical grade stainless steel is non-magnetic, meaning it won't interfere with other medical devices or equipment. 

Blickman Stainless Steel Products

It's easy to see why stainless steel products are the way of the future for the healthcare industry. With their durability, cleanliness, and resistance to rust, fire, and heat they are the perfect solution in any medical office or hospital. Blickman offers the highest quality steel products made of medical grade steel. The second-to-none design, construction, and finish of each piece of equipment are what sets Blickman medical products apart in the manufacturing industry. Contact Blickman today for all of your stainless steel needs!




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